How to Make Money off of the Items in your Storage Unit
Are you a little short on cash this month? Have you ever considered selling some of the items you just don’t need that are in your storage unit at All American Self Storage in Redwood City? Just because you aren’t currently needing the item doesn’t mean that someone else won’t need it or isn’t look for it. Below are some tips on how you can make that extra money you need this month off of the items in your storage unit.
Divide your Items by Category
When you get into your storage unit, you will want to begin by organizing the items you want to sell by category.
· Separate clothing into two piles: affordable to more luxurious but still affordable items like name brands, to designer or special occasion items like wedding attire. You can then decide how to sell the clothing. The more affordable clothing can be sold at a garage sale or traded in at a consignment shop. The specialty items you may want to consider selling online.
· When it comes to electronics you can either take it to your local pawnshop or wait for them to sell online. Sites like Ebay or Gazelle work best for selling electronics but may take some time. Make sure you hit up your friends on your social media sites to see if they would be interested in buying some of your old electronics off of you.
· Furniture that you bought new should be sold for slightly less than its retail value. How much less will depend on wear and tear. If you’re selling furniture that you bought used, you might be surprised to learn that you’re actually in a pretty good position to make money off of it. Unlike the furniture that you bought new, furniture that you bought used hasn’t necessarily lost value in your possession. You can sell the item for higher than you paid for it, so long as you aren’t selling it for higher than its retail value.
Use all Medias for Advertising your Sales
With the advancement of technology it is so easy for us to post a pic and price of what we need to sell. Don’t forget about the old fashion way of selling things too. Putting an ad in the paper and word of mouth can also work in your favor when it comes to selling items fast.
You never know how much you can actually make off of the items sitting in your storage unit at All American Self Storage in Redwood City until you try. If you have any questions regarding our facility make sure you give us a call today.