Preparing your Out of Season Clothing for Storage

 In Self Storage

You may have noticed that your winter clothing is taking up some much needed closet space. Instead of hanging onto it all summer you can place your out of season clothing at a storage unit at All American Self Storage in Redwood City. Listed below are some steps you will want to take to make sure your clothing is prepared for its stay in storage.


Clean your Clothing

When it comes to the basics of storing anything you will need to clean it thoroughly. This goes for clothing as well. Run all of your winter clothing through the wash to get rid of any dirt, debris, or food particles. By cleaning all garments, you will make sure stains won’t cause oxidation, which leads to yellowing, and bacteria, which can create holes. Make sure your clothes are completely dry before placing them in bags or storage bins to prevent the buildup of mildew.


Never Use Plastic Bags

You will want to avoid throwing all of your clothing in a plastic garbage bag or dry cleaners back. This will do more harm than good. Over time the plastic bag can trap moisture and it causes the fibers in your garment to deteriorate and yellow. You will want to invest in cotton garment bags instead.


Line your Storage Bins

Instead of having your clothes smell like your storage unit when it comes time to get them again, you will want to take measures to make sure your clothes smell fresh and clean. You can line your storage bins with drawer liners packed with lavender or eucalyptus. You could even use a few dryer sheets to keep your clothes smelling like they just came out of the dryer.


Prepping your Accessories

When it comes to storing your winter clothing you can’t forget about your various winter accessories as well. For boots, wipe them down before storing and insert boot trees to keep their shape intact. For scarves, gloves, and beanies, keep them altogether in a box.

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