How to Make Room For Fall Clothing

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Are you having trouble making room for all of our fall clothes now that summer is over? Sure, living in California means not having to worry about winter parkas and snow boots but it can still be difficult to find room for your light jackets, sweaters, and other fall clothing. We’ve put together a guide to help you make room for your fall clothing.


Empty Your Closet

First things first, completely empty your closet. This might seem like a task that will just end up creating more work for you but it will be much easier to tackle a pile of clothes and start fresh rather than try to sort everything as you go. This helps to ensure you only put what you want back into your closet. It also gives you a chance to start fresh and go through those clothing items that you might have forgotten about.

Sort Everything

Now that all your clothes have been pulled out of your closet, start sorting them. We recommend the following categories: summer clothing, fall clothing, clothes to store, clothes to give away. The only thing that should go back into your closet is fall clothing. Summer clothing and other things you don’t currently wear can all go into storage units in San Mateo to free up some space. Clothing you don’t want anymore can be donated to charity or passed on to a friend.

Take Inventory

Now is a good time to take inventory of your fall wardrobe. Go through pants, sweaters, and other shirts to make sure everything fits properly. Take note of what you’ll need to go purchase if you are short on certain items. Make a mental note of how many new items you’ll be buying to ensure there will be room for it once purchased.


Take a Trip to Storage

All American Self Storage has storage units in San Mateo for everything you don’t have room for in your closet. Our storage units are safe, clean, and always under security surveillance. We have many sizes of units so it’s easy to find the right one for you. Reserve online or drop in for assistance.


We hope these tips help you organize your fall closet. When spring rolls around, you can do the very same thing with all of your summer clothes while you store your fall clothing for the months ahead.

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